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eRumor Alert: President Obama Hesitated and was overruled on Bin Laden mission from blog The Technology blog and podcast

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eRumor Alert: President Obama Hesitated and was overruled on Bin Laden mission

To: TruthOrFiction Subscribers
From: TruthOrFiction.com Team
RE: eRumor Alert: President Obama Hesitated and was overruled on Bin Laden mission

President Obama Hesitated to Give Order to Kill Osama Bin Laden-Fiction!

An eRumor exploded on the Internet this weekend about a Washington insider’s account alleging that President Obama hesitated to give the kill order in the situation room
during the May 1, 2011 mission to capture or kill the terrorist Osama Bin Laden. Various versions say that the President was overruled by Director of the Central Intelligence,
Leon Panetta, who really issued the kill order.

We have not found any evidence to substantiate this and all official statements indicate that the order was given to Panetta on the Thursday prior to the mission. The President
and his staff were in the situation room in the White House monitoring the events that took place but the order to kill Bin Laden had already been issued.

For more details, links to video and transcripts please go to: http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/o/Obama-hesitated.htm

We’re putting this on the blog for your fyi, and for you to know about what is going on. Since this could be sent through E-mail and other facilities that spread information, we thought that people should know from what is happening. We’ve already been hit with viral E-mail with suspicious videos, which I posted about last week, this is something that could be taken out of context, and so I thought we should post this.

Informazioni sull'articolo

eRumor Alert: President Obama Hesitated and was overruled on Bin Laden mission was released on May 9, 2011 at 6:07 pm by tech in general-updates-and-announcements.
Last modified: May 9, 2011.

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