TruthOrFiction.Com Scam Alert : An Automated Phone Call Alerting You That You Lost Your ATM Card

To: TruthOrFiction Subscribers
From: Team
RE: An Automated Phone Call Alerting You That You Lost Your ATM Card

An Automated Phone Call Alerting You That You Lost Your ATM Card- Phishing Scam!

This is a telephone call from a computer generated voice warning you that your ATM bank card has been reported lost or stolen.

This is a scam called “phishing” to trick you into giving out your personal information to identity thieves. If you get such a call do not respond to it and hang up.

One of the call back numbers is (970) 532-4041 and actually belongs to an automated telephone service company but according to the message on their phone system they did not make the call and their call back number was used by the
thieves without their knowledge or permission.

For more details go to:

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