HIMS is proud to announce the availability of the Sense Dictionary for all Sense notetakers, featuring the New Oxford American Dictionary, the Concise Oxford American Thesaurus and three optional bilingual foreign language dictionaries.
Add the Sense Dictionary to your Braille Sense or Voice Sense operating v6.2 or later, and turn your notetaker into a handy writing reference in multiple languages. Order by March 31, 2012 and receive your first foreign language FREE!
Priced at $180, the basic package includes the New Oxford American Dictionary as well as the Concise Oxford American Thesaurus.
Celebrating the release of the Sense Dictionary, HIMS is pleased to offer one additional language free with each additional language priced at $90. With the release of firmware v6.2, the Sense notetakers support the Concise Oxford Spanish Dictionary. In addition, with the release of firmware v7.0 later this spring, the Concise Oxford Paravia Italian Dictionary, and the Concise Oxford Hachette French Dictionary will also be supported. Order now and receive the Concise Oxford Spanish Dictionary free of charge, or pre-order one of the other supported languages and receive it free of charge when it is released.
For more information, contact the HIMS Sales Department at 888-520-4467 or .