Been quite busy this week so I havn’t commented on loads of stuff.
Firstly I’d like to apologise for my lack of commenting on things.
THe heat here has brought a string of sleepless nights which are
thankfully being resolved.
Its also quite hot here during the day making real work after mid day
ny on impossible.
If you havn’t read the blog at smeveriss.wordpress.com, you will not
have heard I have a couple testing jobs.
This needed reschedualling and other things, stuff from one of these
has kept me busy and life in general has kept me busy.
With that out the way, on to the articles.
Google maps alegal.
Hmmm probably, this is not really new.
The contravircy on the google map and street services has and will
never go away.
I remember when that happened, the maps show pools, cars in garages,
houses, etc whatever the satelites scan.
Alegal, no, and invasion of privacy, probably.
But really, a big help.
It means for those of us with no gps we can print out directions.
For us with gps via google earth we can get directions downloaded for us.
Ok, crime may go up some, but thats never really happened has it?
At any rate its cheap to buy a gps now anyway.
Everyone uses it, my family oversease uses it to find us, we use it
to find places we need to go.
My brother uses it for functions and parties, etc.
This thing will plague google till judgement day.
Its not likely going to change anything really.
If worse comes to worse google may have to rebuild its database
without all the extra details.
Then there is the html5 thing.
Whats the point of scanning outgoing info.
A virus needs to get in.
Most of that is from the outside unless you happen to download a
program with spyware which does happen I must admit, or if you have
a large network where a virus or something could come from anywhere I
guess that could happen.
Or a cd with bad software on it maybe.
But for the home user, in general having firewall asking you what is
to go out every time is just a real pain in the but.