A blind man couldn’t order pizza from Domino’s. The company wants the Supreme Court to say websites don’t have to be accessible

The Gentleman in this article II grew up with. I’d love to get updates on this, because there are a lot of websites that are not accessible where we could buy things if needed. I’m hoping to hear more, and I hope to see the gentleman in question again to see how this turns out or articles come across my desk about it.

Domino’s has petitioned the Supreme Court to hear the case, where it could prove to be a landmark battle over the rights of disabled people on the internet.

Source: A blind man couldn’t order pizza from Domino’s. The company wants the Supreme Court to say websites don’t have to be accessible

2 thoughts on “A blind man couldn’t order pizza from Domino’s. The company wants the Supreme Court to say websites don’t have to be accessible

  1. Thats why I hope that the individual can prove to the courts that web sites are not immune to the issues of the ADA which says in part that public places must have reasonable accomodations, I.E. if you want to order online, you should be able to. The fact the pizza joint says that they shouldn’t have to is what is being faught. I hope that the friend of mine will prevail, it’ll tell people that we are in society and we have that right to buy online just like anyone else. Sad times.

  2. Well lets hope this does not succeed this would set a dangerous president.
    I mean, if websites can cop out of accessibility, so could software companies.
    Now I know with all the bad press over some dispicable indeviduals that want to ruin it for all of us which is really a terrible thing, if people could officially pull out, no one will do it.
    Our market is already small as it is.
    We don’t need this stuff.
    Well, thats another company I won’t be buying things from.
    I wish there was a rule saying we didn’t have to be blind or that being disabled was an offence or something.
    Imagine all the people jumping up and down on that one.
    I am sitting in a family location so I won’t rant but we don’t need this right now.
    This is idiotic at least and ok lets just leave it there.
    And after all the good articles I read on coolblindtech.com

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