Indiana and Massachusetts settle with Equifax for 40 million dollars

Hello all,

It seems like Equifax has not gotten out of trouble for its massive 2017 breach. On Cyberscoop, there is an article that we’ll link to this blog post talking about Indiana and Massachusetts where a 40 million combined total has been paid out within the last few days.

I even blogged about it here on this blog with many articles and commentary. I also wrote about it in Vocal articles.

I don’t think this is going to be the end of it, in fact, I hope its not. All of the credit bureaus have found some sort of breach or another through the years, but Equifax has been the biggest one and hitting the most users in the U.S. and abroad.

In a Krebs piece, it was reported that they were to pay $380 million for this massive problem. Go to the search results for Equifax on Krebs by using the link that will go there.

Do you think that the latest 40 million which was not part of the multi-state settlement will be the end? Want to read more from Cyber Scoop on this?

If you want to read more about this two-state payout, go over to Cyberscoop’s article Equifax settles with Massachusetts, Indiana for nearly $40 million and happy reading!

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