Remember this blog post asking about the Geek Squad? We talked about it and read said Email on podcast 102.
Now, is covering this, and the trend continues.
In the email that I blogged, you’ll definitely notice major spelling mistakes. Even though they use terms some are familiar with, there are some that aren’t.
You don’t charge an account the way they word the message in the email I got, you charge either by applying the credit and the balance is paid, or you charge via payment methods established by the customer.
Want to read what has to say about this? Go ahead and click this link. The article is titled Don’t fall for this tech support email scam and I hope that people pay attention.
When I read the email that I linked to, even though I was half asleep, something definitely didn’t feel right.
And, remember when I braught back this blog post from 2020? It too raised red flags even though it was sent through my web contact form.
Always be alert. Make sure you know what is happening. There are too many people out there that don’t know. Send them a note if you can about this, they’ll probably thank you.