On today’s podcast, we talked about the toothbrush story that seemed to be real.
I even questioned this because of the fact that the operating system was Java, which made me question it anyway. That within itself was why I blogged it, cause I explained that there was only one way to update Java programs, and I surely had never heard of a java operating syystem before.
After TSB, I found several boosts saying it was a hoax. One article was in Swis, but the 403 media article is in English.
This article is titled The Viral Smart Toothbrush Botnet Story Is Not Real.
I don’t claim to be a journalist, hell, I wrote my piece as an opinion piece with questions. I saw an article on Cybernews at the time I posted about Flipper but never read that story.
If it were written to give us something to bite on, we all fell for it. All of the news sources who wrote on it including databreaches.
I guess I don’t necessarily feel so bad, at least I was trying to ask some questions with my coverage, even though I quoted some of the Tom’s Hardware story.
I suppose we can learn from this, and when I see something that seems questionable like this, I surely ask questions.
While I’m glad it was hypothetical, I surely had questions and I’m glad I spotted this. If we can’t tell the difference between hypothetical and real attacks, we’re all in trouble. I’m glad though I wrote this up in such a way where I asked questions and pointed out that this made no sense.
Better get this out there, make it a great day!