We found another article on the AT&T fiasco

While backups are being downloaded, and a nap was once had, this network decided to see if there was any new info about the AT&T fiasco.

CyberNews, a recent partner in our journey on getting info to you, the consumer has an article today.

Its titled AT&T confirms 70M+ dataset was leaked on hacker forum – yet again and is a little bit different than the Bleeping Computer article I blogged this morning with my thoughts.

I am starting to wonder if AT&T actually cares. For one thing, some of us were receiving text messages claiming that we would get free stuff for “paying our bills” (in quotes) just by filling out a form on a web page.

The page started with a survey, then asked for personal info.

This came from all over the place, and an unconfirmed source who spoke to me on Clubhouse at the time said that it “was an inside job” (in quotes) which was quite interesting.

But now we learn and have learned through our prior posts that it may not have been an inside job, and that two or more groups may have some sort of access that this company can find.

I was on calls where AT&T was the talk about whatever security topic I signed up for and it seemed valuable.

But now with more articles coming out about this 3 year old breach and this Cybernews article being very interesting, I’m now starting to question this particular company and its cybersecurity.

While I am not sure if it is phone data, Internet data, both, or a mixed bag, we should be on guard and make sure we’re as safe as possible.

Have I Been Pwned (poned) does not list me as being part of the AT&T breach, whatever it may be, but I know my data is already potentially out there with the lists that it has supplied me via my various addresses.

As I said earlier, the alledged breach is now 7th out of 10th in the top 10. It’ll soon scroll off as we learn of new breaches.

I’m sure this story is still developing, and if we learn more, we’ll bring anything out here.

Minutes like the Kim Komando minute and other podcasts will also bring you up to date with what is known and their perspective. Onward and upward!

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