Musk’s troubles go far beyond Twitter, now known as X

Hello folks,

While we don’t really touch space, its interesting that Space X, Musk’s companies, has not paid anyone, or very few people for the work that was done on their properties.

TThis Roiters article talks about the SpaceX fiasco, and the fact that one guy pretty much said in quotes: “If they call me again, I’m going to tell them to fuck off.”

If it were you and I, you bet we’d have shit done to us by the IRS, and other companies to get us to pay. I’m talking in general, not anyone specific here.

Musk’s SpaceX is quick to build in Texas, slow to pay its bills is the article.

A lean, for those who don’t know, is an amount based on property to get someone to either pay bills or fines owed to others.

Have fun, Musk. Pay up, your company can afford it.

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