CyberNews writes why its a good idea to disable Recall

Hello gang,

This is a great article here. While they also link to Kevin Bowmont’s article, they actually talk about why its a bad idea to enable the feature to begin with.

It sounds like from the way this article is written that while this will be on new PC’s it’ll be enabled by default.

It also sounds like while it’ll be on later versions of 11 when installed, that specific hardware so it won’t be on all PC’s until our old ones retire.

Why it’s a bad idea to enable the Copilot+ Recall feature on your Windows 11 is the article written, ahd its nicely broken down in to headings and arguments on why this should not even be enabled.

The ease of convenience is nice, but getting everyone’s info even though they claim the database is encrypted is an illusion from what I continue to read.

The only way the database is encrypted is when the computer is not in use.

Good luck, Microsoft. Let’s see how much info you get. This aught to get interesting.

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