Hi all
This is a small blog post.
I have not blogged here in some time.
Firstly as you all know the lj blog has had some posting issues on my
end and is dead.
I plan to eventually put myself on klango as a secondary blog but for now
http://smeveriss.wordpress.com is my blog
another blog will be at http://crashmaster.klangoblog.net when I
finally get that set.
Last night I recieved a few updates.
Along with the certificates for the first half of this year I got 2 updates.
The first one is an out of band update.
I usually don’t look into these since these are security related
and uscert usually informs me.
However they didn’t and I looked.
It seems there is another reason for you to get a page not found.
you know the message
Info icon
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
What you can try:
Diagnose Connection Problems
More information
More information
or some such.
Another reason you can’t get a page is to do with ssl and tls packets.
If a secure site says shopping using ssl and tls has the tls/ssl
packet being to large it fragments it and sends it in bits.
Aparently though ms stuff can’t do this.
Third party tools are used for this.
Ms does not recognise the thirdparty apps implimentations and this
causes it to simply crash because it can’t decode the fragmented packets.
This has been the first stability update i have seen in a while.
It effects windows 7 xp and servers 2003 and 08.
The other update that is quite large is office 2010 sp1.
I was able to get it off the download centre though make sure you
install the right addition.
After installing on xp check your updates again same with win7.
A small note on xp the install will pop up automatically.
when you run the file.
on win7 I had to wait a while at least a minute for the security
permition to come up.
it also took a bit longer to install.
on reboot I had to run windows update and install the program again,
whatever it did it finnished it but left me at the windows update
window which it did not tell me it had and I had to close it manually
which is strange.