Hi folks,
I know its been a few days since the file was created, but I needed to get the links together as we had a few links to get along. Here are those show notes, and I hope you enjoy the podcast you can now get on the RSS feed!
Hi folks, and welcome to podcast 213 of the Technology Podcast series. on this podcast, Jared Rimer has a demonstration of Newsify: Your News, Blog andRSS Feed Reader by Ben Alexander which is an hour and 4 minutes long. We also have news about another company who seems to have an issue with admitting that they have been breached. Sounds like Philmore Productions is not alone in this regard. We have several articles you should take a look at. The first: Mobile Spyware Maker mSpy Hacked, Customer Data Leaked starts it all off. It was definitely a great read, but questions still made this an interesting story. As the days crept along, we saw: mSpy Denies Breach, Even as Customers Confirm It which made me think of Philmore’s denial of this troubling story. Philmore never came out to indicate there was or was not a breach, but indicated that it was just drama, and once the purp left, the system returned to normal. Finally, More Evidence of mSpy Apathy Over Breach came out, and there are still questions, as I have never heard of this company. Finally, to e4nd the podcast, Fsecure’s Mikko Hyponen did a talk about viruses, trojans, and worms, and a history of sorts that I thought would be interesting for our listening pleasure. I hope you will enjoy the podcast, and we’ll see you on another edition of the podcast!