While I’m getting my day started, I’ve been wanting to try and play some catch up. I’ve been thinking this morning about an article that Krebs On Security penned on his blog entitled Study: Ransomware, Data Breaches at Hospitals tied to Uptick in Fatal Heart Attacks as it has some very serious repercussions. It seems as though the people who send these types of things don’t really care if people die.
Every day, people die for one reason or another. Every day, people are living another day. Why does it have to happen where ransomware is the cause of someone dying because they can’t get the care they need?
How will it feel to them if they died because they sent this to some hospital, then something happens and they can’t get treated? Lets imagine that they survive, get treated, and live to tell the story? What type of story will they be telling? If they die, there is no story, but the family who grieves has no answers and doesn’t really understand what the hell they did. To me, this is just another step lower in the problem of what ransonmware can do.
I’ll be talking about this one on the podcast, this is just sad. Lots of numbers here.