xLast Week in Security News, news ending March 23, 2020

Hello all,

I’ve been dealing with some issues here health wise so sorry about the lack of posting this week. When I feel I’m getting better, I’ve got a setback but today I’m feeling better.

This post deals with the blog that was posted last week for Security News that Trend Micro writes up each week. Also, not covered at the beginning of this week, a webinar I got notified an hour prior and I attended and taped. More on that later.

Smart Factories may be our next target. The lead post is part 1 of a potential series, and it looks to be a good one.

Not surprising, another covid-19 lure, this time, something called node.js is the vector and it has a low detection rate. It has something to do with the fact that it could have a fileless component with it, which is part of the problem.

One article this week talks about a group called Shiny Hunters. Shiny Hunters seems to be mentioned as part of many different breaches as of late.

Net Walker deals with filess detections I may have misspoke about something else that had it, but this one does have it, and that can be worrysome.

This is only some of what is in this article. Find something that you want to talk about? Get in touch! This Week in Security News: New Bluetooth Vulnerability Exposes Billions of Devices to Hackers and Backdoor, Devil Shadow Botnet Hidden in Fake Zoom Installers is the article, and thanks for reading! I’ll be playing catchup for awhile throughout the next several days.

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