Is 9 years enough for a guy in Cybercrime?

I love articles like the one I’m going to link to by Krebs on Security. Russian Cybercrime Boss Burkov Gets 9 Years talks about a guy who is finally going to see justice and gives the backhistory of what he’s done and how he got picked up in 2015.

Burkov was arrested in 2015 on an international warrant while visiting Israel, and over the ensuing four years the Russian government aggressively sought
to keep him from being extradited to the United States.

“Nine years is a huge sentence, and the government doesn’t give nine years to defendants who cooperate,” Bukh said. “Also, the time span [between Burkov’s
guilty plea and sentencing] was very short.”

Usually these guys don’t cooperate, and since he was held up by him being in Israel in a different case dealing with other matters, the fact that it took 4 years to get him here to see what would happen is fine by me. But is 9 years enough for someone who sends out Spam, Malware, and other troubling email to harm people?

There are lots of twists and turns and people knowing people, according to the article here. What are your thoughts on this 9 year prison sentence handed down by the United States?

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