The Security box, podcast 24: The breach that is, year end review part 1

Hello folks, welcome to the podcasted version of the Security Box. On this version of the show, we’ll be covering the biggest breach to date. We also have our year end stuff which we look back on the podcast coverage on the year that was. Here are the notes for this show.

Welcome to podcast 24 of the security box. This is a full podcast, as we’re on a two week break. Here is what we have for the podcast.

  • The biggest item that we have in the podcast is the biggest breach in the Solar Winds feasco. We’re still learning, check the blog for more. Here is a blog post to get you started with the whole fiasco, but there is definitely more.
  • Podcasts 333-340 is covered in different segments throughout the year in regards to what has happened throughout the year. We’ll continue it next podcast.

The podcast is a little over 2 hours including our final track. Thanks so much for listening!

Don’t want to deal with RSS? No problem! Here is the 114.41mb file for you to digest. Thanks so much for listening!

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