Last Week in Security News, news ending May 22, 2021

Hello folks,

I’ve not posted about any of these in quite awhile. I know that I’m farily behind when it comes to keeping up with the blog and news, so I hope that changes.

  • OMDIA is a company that does research, and there is an article in the digest talking about Trend Micro’s ZDI program getting nominated and won for the most vulnerabilities for the 13th year in a row. The ZDI disclosed 865 of over 1300 vulnerabilities last year.
  • If you think we have problems now, we may have problems in 2030 if robots take over this space.
  • Team TNT’s extended harvester may be a bigger problem. This tool targets cloud services.
  • Microsoft and Adobe are now at the top of the crooks hitlist, according to the digest.

  • We talked about this one last week I think, but Trend Micro Vision 1 is here and the article in the digest goes in to more, or find it in our show notes or blog.
  • Windows has something called a PoC now, there is an exploit that can be used for a wormable RCE. Yikes!
  • There is an article talking about a huge jump in crypto currency theft according to the FTC.
  • <;li> North Carolina is moving to ban ransomware. payments. I don;’t think that’ll matter to the actors, they don’t follow the law anyway, so they wouldn’t care if people break this one.

These are just some of the highlights in this digest, This Week in Security News May 21, 2021 is the full article so go read it and tell me what you think.

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