There was a very interesting podcast within the last several days that two companies who colaborate are doing and is tlaked about. Its not as easy just to check a box with cybersecurity training.
These classes are held once or maybe twice a year. But two companies have joined up in Virginia and are working to change the way Cybersecurity training is done.
This podcast is part of the talking risk series at Cyber Crime Radio.
This is why I always encourage stories of things that have gone wrong so we can possibly learn from them. If we don’t know what’s out there, how can we make sure we are trying our best to learn so we don’t make the same mistake?
I was looking to link to a copy of the file, but maybe people are passing through that might be looking for something else.
If this interests you, go seek this program out, as telling stories, making sure we know whats out there, learning what to spot and defend against it will be our key.
As the podcast says, humans are the weakest link, we are going to make mistakes, and they even tell stories and ask why they clicked on said link and gave examples of things similar to what we do on TSB.
If you find it, let us know what you think of this program.