The Security box, podcast 209: Volt Typhoon is back in the news

Hello folks, welcome to podcast 209.

Its been awhile since we’ve updated the TSB directory, and we’ve finally done it. Should something not work, please ping!

TSB directory link

The RSS feed has the program as well.

Don’t have RSS? No problem! Here is the 220mb file for you all to have.

Here are the show notes.

Welcome to the Security box, podcast 209. On this program, we’ll do questions by hand, and some will be from the news. Of course besides the news, we’ve got to talk about Volt Typhoon again. If anyone has any questions we can answer, we’ll do that as well.

Volt Typhoon in the news again

KrebsOn Security takes on a journey of New 0-Day Attacks Linked to China’s ‘Volt Typhoon’. which caught our attention. I wrote this up, in a way I think is fair, as we take the article apart.

Supporting the podcast

If you’d like to support our efforts on what this podcast is doing, you can feel free to donate to the network, subscribing to the security box discussion list or sending us a note through contact information throughout the podcast. You can also find contact details on our blog page found here. Thanks so much for listening, reading and learning! We can’t do this alone.

Internet Radio affiliates airing our program

Our Internet Radio stations that carry us include International Friends Radio Network. The program is also carried live through the Independent Channel which is part of 98.6 the mix, KKMX, International. If you want to carry us, please use the Jared Rimer Network site to do that and let me know about your station. Please allow 3-4 hours for airplay, although we try to go 3 hours for this program. Thanks so much!

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