We’ve talked for so long about what one posts on social media which probably should not be. I know i’m no exception, even I may have made mistakes.
I’ve also done things where I only did it at certain times to see how things work, and not necessarily to show that I was all over a certain part of town.
Nobody is going to be in trouble here, because that is not what this podcast is about. Instead, we’re going to see what people think of what should be posted and what shouldn’t be posted.
If you want to leave your messages to leave your thoughts, you can. Just use the web applet shown below, or call (888) 405-7524 or (818-527-4754.
We start the live program on Wednesday at 11 am pacific time and 1 station time in the afternoon. If you want to have your comments aired, please say so in your message.
If you need a callback, you may ask for one.