Its not too late to give

In recent years, The Tuesday after Thanksgiving has turned in to Giving Tuesday.

Usually I write things up, and its posted early in the day. This time, I didn’t really think about it until it was time to consider it by mentioning it to someone who was here assisting me.

You can go to my Web Site where under the “links around the main domain” section you’ll find a donations link.

I have a direct paypal button or links to donate certain amounts via Credit Card.

All of the podcasts are free to download, and I don’t mention donating very much anymore these days.

If you can, please feel free to do so.

If you’d rather donate without going to my main page, I’ll provide the items here within my post.

When donating through Paypal, switch off the create account option if you do not want to create an account.


The button is above. Enter any amount you wish, log in or check out as a guest. All major credit cards accepted.

Donation links

We partner with Freshbooks to provide links for donations. $1, $5, $10, $25, $50 and $100 options are available. You can use debit, credit or bank transfer and its accessible. If you want to donate any amount greater than $100, use the Paypal button above or contact me for a link.

If you donate through Freshbooks, you will be put in as a customer, so if you do need services, we’ll have you in our contact.

Here are the links.

We do not collect your financial info directly. If you want me to do that, call (888) 405-7524 or (818) 527-4754 and I can take a credit card directly.

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