The morons of the podcast can be counted as stupid fucks. In this post, we’ll give you January.
The post is a little different, whereby we tell you a little bit about why they get this presdigious award.
Go through the blog, and find something we missed? Let me know by sending an email.
In some cases, we may directly link to an article before we get a blog post up. We have one of these this past month.
- FTC tells Godaddy to get their shit together Godaddy hasn’t been all that great with their security, and I never went with them even in the early days of web hosting. When you read the blog post, which leads to the accompanying article, you’ll wonder why you went with them if you did. Am I going to tell you to switch? No. I’m not. But just be aware of this one.
- AI Accessibility startup to pay $1 million for false advertising dealing with web site accessibility The company that should have never been created. It promised to make a tool to make sites accessible but it seems to have failed miserably. AccessiBe was mentioned to me as a tool I can use to make my sites accessible, and I never really understood it because I would hit screen reader mode and the site either still worked as it always had or just did strange things. Read the blog post that links to Adrian Roselli’s blog as he responds to this mess. Good job!
- Use AI? Don’t turn them in to CSAM material, at least in California. Under New law, first suspect arrested for CSAM AI images is the first in California. Have fun!
- The story of the week: Mastercard and their DNS issue that went unnoticed for years talks about a mistyped domain for DNS settings. You should read this for yourself.
- While we have said that China should not be messed with, this has nothing to do with policies or procedures of the country. This has to do with Security 101. We’ve talked about open databases through the last few years on podcasts, what I thought was a one-off has been quite consistant. DeepSeek exposes database with over 1 million chat records is our article with two open databases now closed and really bad security practices. Read it and comment on it if you wish.
The entire list will be posted at the beginning of the year like the diatribes. Enjoy these awards.