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The Security box, podcast 187: What’s going on with our drinking water? from blog The Technology blog and podcast

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The Security box, podcast 187: What’s going on with our drinking water?

Hello everyone, welcome to the security box. I hope that everyone is going good in the landscape.

Today, we’ve got a 3 and a half hour program in which we have a number of different things we discuss during the program including some potential changes coming.

We’ve updated the RSS feed is updated with the program and if things go well, the RSS should have the full notes if people have it.

We’ll continue to put the notations here on the blog so that people can have it for good measure.

Today, the whole gang was there including Nick, Preston and Terry. This made the program very interesting. I hope we have them on a regular.

Do you not have RSS? Please download the 200.7mb file using this link or go to our TSB directory to pick it up if you wish.

Here are the show notes if you wish to see links and other information.

Hello everyone, welcome to program number 187 of the security box. On this program, we’re going to talk about our drinking water. No, not the fact that it could taste bad or that it is the best water ever, we’ll talk about the security aspect of where our drinking water comes from. Besides that, the news, the notes and the landscape. Remember to contact us with your questions, comments or concerns. If we don’t know, we’ve got people that do, so get those questions in.

Open forum: A New Service

Recently, the Jared Rimer Network discovered a service in which we are happy to use. While haveibeenpwned.com is good, I do find some things that don’t work well accessibly. While I got the domains to work, and those instructions were easy to follow, I did have issues with the service I’m about to recommend. I got it to work and it is more accessible. Even the exposed breaches may not be that extensive, both services get their breaches through verification. To learn more about the service Exposed or not, please view the latest blog post We have a new service up, accessible too for complete details. The service is spelled xposedornot. Drop the E.

Some of the newsy items

Some may bring these up, but may bring other things as well. We’ll have to see. Keep on reading!

Topic: Our Drinking Water

I’ve never really liked the taste of water. Especially from our faucets. But this podcast isn’t talking about whether we like water, which we’re told we should drink to keep ourselves healthy.

I know, I know, I’m just as guilty as the rest when it comes to that. But this podcast isn’t about whether we like the stuff, its about the security of how it gets to us. We know it goes through pipes, but do we honestly know how it gets to those pipes to how we drink it, cook with it, or use it in our coffee? There’s an elaborate system, but is it as secure as it can be?

Apparently, hackers can get in to these systems, and this is where we could be in some real trouble. The latest blog post I penned on this subject is titled Hackers interrupting critical drinking water which links to the CyberNews article US officials warn of hackers disrupting the “critical lifeline” of drinking water which was an interesting read.

If you search for water by itself, you’ll find other blogs like:

The last item is a podcast where we talked about this before. There may be others including group names that may have water in its name, but the items above are the highlights of what I want to bring about for this discussion.

With this knowledge and the article from CyberNews, where are we in this space? I guess we’ll find out.

Supporting the podcast

If you’d like to support our efforts on what this podcast is doing, you can feel free to donate to the network, subscribing to the security box discussion list or sending us a note through contact information throughout the podcast. You can also find contact details on our blog page found here. Thanks so much for listening, reading and learning! We can’t do this alone.

Internet Radio affiliates airing our program

Our Internet Radio stations that carry us include Blue Streak Radio and International Friends Radio Network. The program is also carried live through the Independent Channel which is part of 98.6 the mix, KKMX, International. If you want to carry us, please use the Jared Rimer Network site to do that and let me know about your station. Please allow 3-4 hours for airplay, although we try to go 3 hours for this program. Thanks so much!

Running time: 3 hrs 39 minutes

Informazioni sull'articolo

The Security box, podcast 187: What’s going on with our drinking water? was released on April 18, 2024 at 6:00 pm by tech in podcast announcements.
Last modified: April 17, 2024.

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