Technology podcast 155 for August 13 2011

Due to computer issues, the technology blog and podcast hopes that you have found our podcast on our RSS feed and found it interesting. If you haven’t, here is the show notes for the podcast.

Welcome to Podcast 155 for August 13, 2011: two long segments for your podcast, and even one short segment from Blind Bargains to top it all off.

  1. Thanks to Kelly Sapergia we learn that The Canadian Library Digital section is where you can get the “One child at a time” book we talk about on our first segment with Melissa Harrel from our AMW Reloaded podcast series. This segment was taken from the 20th podcast, and talks about the book just mentioned, cyberbullies, predators, technology, AMW, and the AMWRL podcast as a whole.
  2. Lino Morales of LLJFM Internet Radio and I talk about the blind community getting hit with direct messages leading to fake twitter log in pages, Robo Braille and other topics of interest.
  3. Trend Micro news from the August 12th edition of the newsletter is talked about a bit, and the fact we used RoboBraille to do the audio translation.
  4. Blind Bargains gave us permission to feature audio as long as we have the fact that they did the work. In this final segment, we learn about the Orion, which may not be released yet, but was to be released this summer.

This podcast is packed, and lasts 138 minutes and 51 seconds which include our sponsors.

We’ll be back with more from the March archives of back audio, including some stuff from Shaun Everess that was sent back then.

Hosts: Jared Rimer, and Melissa Harrel for a segment

Contact info is in the podcast and on our blog.

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