There are new clues in the target breach, check this story out

Well, the news just keeps coming in. This time, Brian gives us some more information on the target breach. Feel free to check out the article here. I need to read it all the way through, somehow it stopped in the middle, but what I’ve read so far indicates that there was nothing we could do. It was out of our control, and anything someone who knows more about credit card systems and how they work could say. It sounds like this was a sophistocated piece of software. Unfortunately, Steve and others indicate that this will continue. In a related note, SN440 which is available through Twit has a few minute segment dealing with the breach and Brian’s reporting of this story. He took from one of the articles. XP is going to be phased out in April, businesses really need to think about upgrading their platforms if possible. Check this out.

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