Dishwashers, washing machines, connecting to the net and having issues?

This goes in to the oh boy category. Do we have one?

In the same newsletter, one article calls it a dishwasher, the other a washing machine, but this can’t be any worse can it? Hackable IoT washing machine provides channel for breaching hospital IT and Dishwasher has directory traversal bug g
Thanks a Miele-on for making everything dangerous, Internet of Things firmware slackers
are two articles out of several here in this list. We definitely have something going on here, and it can’t get better when you see this. The reason why I went after the second, was because I heard parts of Security Now which taped on Tuesday afternoon, and it is discussed there. Steve couldn’t believe it, I forget what he says, but this is definitely bad. I just wonder what else we can see if we’ve practically seen it all. Oh boy.

2 thoughts on “Dishwashers, washing machines, connecting to the net and having issues?

  1. I disagree. I do not want anything like lights and dishwashers on the Internet. I can see and do have the honeywell thermostat with an accompanying app, and I could see it being hot and telling it to lower or raise the temp so when I get home, its cool, or hot depending, and it is from a company which fixes things if it is not working. They won’t fix your lightbulb when it gets hacked, or your dishwasher when a hacker fills it up because its web based and open.

  2. The only reason you would want some of these online is to have them automated for your use while out.
    And while I can see a reason for heating, fans, water coolers, lights and the like, your washer/machine/ whatever needs to be filled so why bother.
    A clock could be usefull I guess, a radio maybe, and a few things like that or an oven or slow cooker just maybe but the rest.
    I think we are just slapping the net haphazardly onto everything we can see even though it doesn’t make sence.

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