The Security Box, podcast 3: Coppa and other newsy things

The RSS feed has the podcast. Should you have any trouble getting at it, please contact me at tech at requesting a copy. I’ll send it through wetransfer’s service.

Please find the show notes below, and I hope you enjoy the podcasted edition of the program!

Welcome to the Security Box, podcast 3. We really only have one main topic here. We also include news, notes, and other things in passing.

We’ll have two segments on things to ponder where personal information is concerned, and we’ll also have your comments, questions, and concerns. I hope you’ll enjoy the show as much as i have putting it together!

Thanks to everyone that decided to participate during the live program. Remember that if you listen through the podcast, your voice still counts, so get those emails, imessages, texts, or whats app messages to me. Contact info is given throughout the program, and thanks so much for listening!

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