another optimisation run

Hi all.
Well this is just a note that due to downtime at the end of a sunday night I found some extra things to do with site performance.
While looking through jetpack I found another free boost plugin made by the jetpack maintainers.
Things like only loading images that people see, adjusting when certain tasks are handled, and when css is processed and how all that works.
It may not increase performance much but the latest tests show that mobile performance has gone up from 39% to about 47%, and desktop performance has gone from 83% to 91% whatever that means.
Hopefully this will stop the sitekit complaining about things.
So there is an extra boost icon.
Next you will notice a themes warning in health status.
Have no idea why that is how it is.
I cleared all the themes managed to clear 1 to many so put an older theme back, in case the other one fails.
However the tracker assumes I still have to many themes but I don’t so ignore it.

Edit, managed to reinstal 2022 and cleared the extra fixes I had put in place so now the issue is gone.
I activated then reactivated both themes and it looks like it is fixed.
I regenerated the css database again as instructed and it should all work fine enough.

Next, this is mostly for rss feeds.
Some posts at least 6 scheduald for release at certain dates either were never released or the release soon dashboard is glitched and never showed them as such.
Luckily editing their status or publishing info, immediately canceling the edit and republishing them made them disappear from that status.
As usual I need to check user counts but there hasn’t been any issue even when ipstack complains about request overload.
I may regenerate the css boosted files every so often like when I do a site run which is probably once a year if that since the thing manages itself.
The next is podcasts.
Currently thinking about a programming environment runthrough, there may be a couple audio games on the way down the road and well a radio unboxing in the following weeks.
One thing I need to seriously try to redo is get on dischord.
It seems a popular chat panel system for the blind gaming community as well as unigram.
However I’ll probaby do dischord first.
Laters all.

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