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Did you run windows update on a duel boot Linux system? from blog The Technology blog and podcast

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Did you run windows update on a duel boot Linux system?

The question for this blog post is simple. Did you install the patches for windows on a linux duel boot system? If you did, reports indicate that you might not have been able to boot unless you turned off secure boot and did some more patching.

August Windows security update breaks dual boot on Linux systems has all of the details on this one if you are affected by this issue.

Informazioni sull'articolo

Did you run windows update on a duel boot Linux system? was released on August 21, 2024 at 9:00 pm by tech in article commentary.
Last modified: August 21, 2024.

Comments (1)

  1. Comment by crashmaster date 22 August 2024 alle 14:13 (),

    And what do we expect from microsoft!
    I mean to put it in a nutshell there updates have bugs in em that have mucked things up and yes youre’s truely was a target of some of these.
    You can pritty much forget the phrase that reformatting is tthe last resort.
    If there is a problem with microsoft anything the easiest thing to do is reformat.
    Its the only way to make the issues stop.
    And when you recover of course the issue won’t probably exist.
    This is seriously getting old, like moldy cheese that has been sitting in the sun for 50000000 + years old.
    Seriously, the article looked good, I mean your linux disttro would have an update for itself most do but really wipe everything and reinstall just to jewel boot, is serious junk.
    You’d think ms would check what was whatt before this went but of course they don’t.
    Of course there isn’t a list, why would there be its not a big issue
    Seriously I do wander why someone hasn’t taken these guys to task.
    I mean look what happened with crowdstrike.
    The only saving grace is only server owners, software devs and a few other advanced guys are effected.
    I would never duel boot anything though nattive is the way.
    I’t always run 1 system per whatever or a vm but if I did duelboot then I’d be quite cranky over this.
    If I were microsoft and this was something in the works, I’d release a notice like at the start of this month or in a way users would notice it on their social media or as a press release say 2-3 months in advance.
    This would advise there was an update to prevent whatever it was and to get people to make sure they updated their distros before the release came on.
    This would explain that you would have to reload your distro afterwards etc, etc, etc.
    Now granted one that kept their distro updated and most of tthe ubuntu and other mainstream line do keep their systems updated but certainly this isn’t the first and won’t be the last time this stuff happens.
    This is a shame as I read the article and it was clear cut what was going on, I mean you need to be secure but tthis is exactly why a lot of users here haven’tt gone to 11 yet, to many issues and unknowns.

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