Merry Christmas from the Jared Rimer Network

Edited this to put the correct toll-free number. Whoops!

Hello folks,

While the team takes the time off to recharge our batteries, let me take this opportunity to say that we’ll be back next year.

Most of the podcasts have been under the TSB brand of what I’m doing, and that’s fine. I really enjoy doing what I do for TSB and it seems like our work is paying off.

Unfortunately, there is still a lot of things to do, and we’ll share our experiences and stories as we’ve continued to do.

We are hopefully going to hear some good news about the continuing arrests and potential procecutions of those who are involved in the cybercrime that we’ve been covering throughout the years.

I understand that this is something that some people don’t necessarily like, but not too many people cover this type of thing, and those that write about it get published where they write but that’s about it.

During the next year, we hope to find other great content that we can cover, and share the great news of arrests from across the landscape.

While the tech podcast has for the most part died, I’ll hang on to the program for those items that we can air specificly there because of TSB’s format.

Our longest show is just a little over 5 hours including the music set, but we do try to keep it within 3-4 hours.

If you’re at an internet radio station and wish to learn more about TSB and what the show is about, please reach out! I should be available.

You can Email or Imessage me using tech at Please make sure you do the proper symboling and formatting.

You can call (888) 405-7524 or (818) 527-4754.

If you’re in the U.S. or Canada, please use the Click to Call function if you wish, as the system will call you, then call us.

If I’m available, you’ll connect to me. If not, you’ll go to voicemail.

Click to open call me page

Let’s make this a productive year and show the program some love by donating if you can. The link takes you to our donations page at where you can securely use Paypal or donate small amounts by credit card in collaboration with Freshbooks.

Donations are not something we push, in fact, all of our podcasts are on its own page on EMHS. Did you know that we’ve paid our participants during contests? Donations can help offset that cost.

We want you to enjoy your holiday break, and feel free to subscribe to this blog, The Security Box email discussion list, or even drop a note by email, imessage, WhatsApp or voice mail if you wish.

We’ll be back with you on January 8th! In the meantime, stay tuned to this blog during the holiday break as we continue to blog about things in the landscape that might be of importance to you.

Jared Rimer, Terry Ring, Nicholas Jackson and Preston Gaylor
The Jared Rimer Network, where everything is listed in one place

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