Spy I in the news, again

I believe I’ve posted articles on this blog about the Spy I trojan which did quite a lot of damage in the banking industry. I wasn’t going to really say anything after seeing one article, but this morning, i saw another one.

Yesterday Brian Krebs posted an article about how the leader of the project was arrested and braught back to Atlanta in the United States. Feds to Charge Alleged SpyEye Trojan Author is the name of the article. It talks about Microsofts involvement in the project, how they were able to help take down some servers, which eventually crippled this bad apple in to history.

This morning, Trend Micro posted in their security intellegance blog a story which I’ve not read all the way through yet. It talks about their involvement, and goes in to more detail on how this operation worked and how they had a hand in things. > Eyeing SpyEye is the name of this article.

Congradulations to both Microsoft and Trend Micro on doing what they could to take a bite out of this very dangerous piece of technology. It won’t stop the bad actors, but it is a start. I think technology companies need to work together, and share information, so that the bad guys can be arrested for the stuff that can harm us. This is a good example of how this can work. Great job guys, keep up the great work.

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