Microsoft Teams is now targeted in research, could it get real? Only time will tell

Just like anything, software every day is buggy and bugs and things are found. I sent this to someone when I read this Cyberscoop on research that proved Teams is just as vulnerable as anything else.

With that said, I am part of an email list that sends out a weekly vulnerability list from all kinds of products, some in which I’ve never heard of. I’m glad for the CVE project because it jhelps us know how severe our vulnerabilities may be.

Zoom isn’t the only video conferencing service attracting scrutiny from security researchers.

Microsoft Teams, the technology giant’s professional collaboration tool, included a software bug that could have made it possible for hackers to steal
data. Hackers could have used a malicious GIF to scrape user data from Microsoft Teams user accounts, spreading through an organization’s entire roster
of employees who use the service, researchers from CyberArk announced Monday.

There are a lot of companies out there that do research, so its no wonder I don’t know who these folks are.

For the entire story, Cyber Scoop: Researchers used a GIF to prove they could access Microsoft Teams user data has all of the details in which you can read at your own time.

Thanks researchers, for doing your jobs. We’re better educated with your work.

One thought on “Microsoft Teams is now targeted in research, could it get real? Only time will tell

  1. Well not surprized again jared.
    Teams like zoom, skype, etc are bing used, they are juicy targets.
    On an interesting note, with all the users going on contact tracing apps, I do wander how long before they are targets as well.
    There have been articles where compatability issues between them and other apps or different device functions like calls, where apps are intifeering with eachother.
    If these apps lagit as they are do this, that could spread.
    You could intifier with anything this way.

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