Is Flash really dead? Naked Security says yes

I saw this opinion piece yesterday and finished it today. There is a KB article linked within this opinion piece that flash is now really dead.

As ann accessibility standpoint, flash was an on again off again accessibility nightmare. Sometimes it was easy to use, other times sites made it difficult. I honestly don’t remember the last time I was prompted to use flash within the last 6 years, and this computer was baught in 2018.

Security Now’s Steve Gibson from GRC has moaned for years about flash and the continuing patching that needed to be done. He and others have indicated that flash should be abanded unless its absolutely needed, I.E. install it only on a browser that you dedicate for using it.

Want to read the opinion piece I’m referring to that says flash is dead now for good? Adobe Flash – it’s the end of the end of the end of the road at last comes from Nakes Security at Sophos. Its a good read, and I hope this is the end.

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