Sans News Bites reports Minnesota’s Lake Region health care is the next victim on the ransomware is right

In all seriousness, on the next ransomware is right, the Minnesota health system is next up. I took the article from Health IT Security and it is entitled Minnesota’s Lake Region Healthcare Recovering From Ransomware Attack and it is a very interesting read. We did cover UHS in multiple articles from the blog and this particular article first linked mentions this and other health systems we may not have covered.

We need to really get a grip on our security, especially in the health care system. it isn’t enough to indicate that “we’re sorry” is going to cut it in this industry. The COVID-19 pandemic is in full swing, with sports going on and teams getting infected to the point where games are cancelled. One on Jan 11th and one on Jan 12th are cancelled because of the pandemic. Why should our health care have to suffer because of the fact that hospitals need to use other methods to verify care and the like because their operating systems and procedures are so out of date?Its time hospitals read articles like this so they can proactively figure out how to not get infected. Read the articles here, and add this to the list of more ransomware hit facilities and companies.

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