Pushing Forward: What do you think the predictions of 2022 will be?

Hello folks,

As I prepare the program for this week, i’m going to talk about predictions this week. The article is titled Pushing Forward: Key Takeaways From Trend Micro’s Security Predictions for 2022 which I’ve taken highlights of in a list type of format instead of quoting the article.

Since this is a blog post, we can go ahead and do a little more of a deap dive on this, and that’s what I’m going to do on this article.

threat actors or cybercriminals will evolve their tactics, although the TTP’S are going to be the same. According to the article, they will evolve and even go after the data our cars have. This should be a concern for those who have cars, because everything you connect to, then could be exfiltrated if it is meant to do so.

The headings in this article include:

  • As they focus on making their supply chains more robust via diversification and regionalization, enterprises will implement zero trust principles to keep their environments more secure Global supply chains will be in the crosshairs of fourfold extortion techniques as companies evolve their supply chain operations
  • Enterprises will ensure that cloud security basics are employed to defend their environments against a slew of cloud security threats and achieve a managed level of risk
  • To remain protected against evolving ransomware threats, enterprises will set their sights on protecting their servers with stringent server-hardening and application control policies

Each portion has some very interesting things to say about each section. What worries me if this does come true is the server attacks. In theory, they may not necessarily have to lock up the files on the server, but exfiltrate the data completely out. While it could be possible for them to lock up the server, this could put us at risk. I’m predicting that if they go this way, we as consumers will have bigger problems, as we would be accessing a server that would be infected and that could in theory be passed to us. This could be a huge problem as some of us are still computer based, while some may be Android or IOS specifically based, and even some may be both PC and Android or IOS based.

While IOS 15.2 has been released to those of us with IOS, Android must be better on making sure that their updates are given to us who use it in a timely manner.

In 2022, Google, the manufacture of Android, must push their updates like IOS does. They must in muy opinion make sure their customers get the latest for the phone they have. IF Apple can do it, Google should too. Trend Micro didn’t cover this, but I should just add it anyway.

There is much more in this article which I highlight and we’ll talk about, feel free to read more and learn, and at least think about what Trend is saying. They have been in this business for 30 years, and they have insight that us consumers don’t. What they write in this article makes complete sense, only time will tell.

One thought on “Pushing Forward: What do you think the predictions of 2022 will be?

  1. Predictions for next year will be the same as this year.
    In the tech side, more security issues, more hacks, etc, nothing new thats never going away right?
    New tech, maybe.
    I hope that we get out of the chip shortage but we have at least 2 more covid years so who knows.
    The only differences we may have is we have guns and ammo enough armour if we use it right maybe.
    New zealand is going to try to stay active unless it needs to lock down again but others may not be so lucky.
    There will be large resource burnouts both human worker and tech.
    Saying that I don’t know about the latter one, as the isps here have been advancing broadband plans.
    For example a standard broadband plan is 30-50mb down and 10 up or 100 by 20.

    I was thinking about going to the 1gb plan, but then there was this update of 300mb down and 100 up which is more than enough for a family certainly enough for me, so I don’t need to update my plan.
    Things I hope include the inclusion of more smart technologies like the echo alexa system into our daily lives for zoom and maybe even other things.

    I don’t have a show but I just descovered the linking of skype can be done which means no more fucking around with the weird skype app interface.
    I don’t use them but I have noticed a lot more store apps like zoom appearing in the store and I do hope that maybe the eventual linking with desktop in store apps so its almost indistinguishable from standard apps.
    For one thing, store stuff automatically diagnoses and updates itself.
    Sadly I have noticed that in addition to background startups on background apps some of these apps need you to configure them properly within their settings menus.
    I always hope that accessibility takes a front seat or as much as it can but you can’t have everything.
    The return of duel storage laptops which are cheap?
    Probably wishfull thinking but who knows.
    The dropping of prices in food, tech, housing, maybe other things?

    Maybe an update which has more good and less bad, ie a bug or feature that turns out to while initially bad something I actually could get used to.
    So far on the windows side I have always been ready for the worst.
    I also hope microsoft and others stop mucking round with completely usefull software and turning it into an indesirable fucking retarded mess like they have done 11.
    The control panel, well I like it and maybe its time for someone to make a control panel like interface to everything and call it something like, os controler or something and then have everything like that.

    There are just some settings that I find better in that form.
    And its not like the panels are going away in fact you would just need to copy all the panels files and link them and just run it all like that.
    I still think there needs to be an offline and online system space.
    Ie you use your account say microsoft one for online stuff but leave the offline stuff alone.
    Right now yes I do login with an account but only certain apps.
    I don’t need the net to boot my computer, I don’t want the net to boot my computer, I don’t need myself to be immediately online at startup.
    Things like that.

    But if we are going to be realistic, taking the current climate into mind I will now put out my probable prodictions.

    Except for the top one about security, I think until covid goes away or goes away far enough where we can just move on whenever that is, prices will remain high.
    Supplies will be short, never mind all the climate chhange, some of it is real, some of it isn’t.
    Things will be hit and miss with accessibility.
    Our os will be more for what microsoft wants rather than what the people want.
    Its going to be really bad, for users no matter what it is.
    We will have less supplies, burnouts, full lockdowns, we will hit walls all over the place.
    At some point we will have some sort of war, I mean all the powers are shifting and eventually its got to snap.
    One of the articles here from someone from the universities here says we can’t go full on like this routing power to one system without it all shutting down and we haven’t even hit the electric car age yet.
    I don’t see things getting any better currently.
    My prediction is that its either going to get worse or stay the same, and who knows what will happen.
    Us humans can’t continue to hide and run, we will run out of energy sson enough we will have to stand and fight.

    I don’t think some of us know that just yet though we have the means now.
    I suspect covid, and all the security won’t be our biggest issue next year.
    They will be all the restrictions we have been placed under, no one can hold out for ever and for some of us that maybe to much.
    I don’t know what next year will hold but it scares the fuck out of me right now.
    Something will hhappen and soon.

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