Let’s catch people up on Telegram: September 24, 2024


I know that I am a month behind on Mastodon, and I know that could be bad. But recently, I came up to the topic of Telegram, so want to make sure that I find current items that are revelent to this group and I think I have.

One person rightly was concerned about the fact that most of their communication during internet radio is through this platform and wondered what this arrest would mean.

On September 11th, 2024: I blogged about the arrest of the CEO through the Malwarebytes newsletter and subsequent podcast. Here is the throwback saturday night program that featured this podcast if you wish to listen. Note that the link may become expired within one month.

Since that podcast, we really haven’t heard anything but that might change with this update.

The CEO is now willing to cooperate with law enforcement if the request is a valid one. Should people be concerned? Yes, if you’re doing criminal things.

We’ve talked about Cyber Hell, a movie on Netflix, that talked specificly about the crime that goes on there with picture sending and other crime. That picture sending could include, but may not be limited to CSAM material. Whether that is true or not, the JRN does not know. The JRN does not have an account, and those that do among the JRN know that they’ve gotten scams and other communication through the platform.

If that movie wasn’t scary enough, go search it out on this blog.


The image is a screenshot from Du Rove’s Channel on Telegram. It discusses the misuse of Telegram Search for selling illegal goods. It mentions that a team of moderators, with AI, has removed problematic content. Users are encouraged to report illegal content via @SearchReport. Telegram has updated its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to disclose IP addresses and phone numbers of violators to authorities. The aim is to deter criminals and maintain

Is it too late? Only time will tell.

Let’s not forget that its been reported that Telegram is “not secure” by default, you must turn it on if you want it.

I know Tweesecake works with telegram, through third party integration.

web site

We know that Telegram has a staff of 30 people, but yet has 950 million people. Of those, we don’t know who is commiting crime there, but maybe this step is what needs to get this monster under control.

Crooks, beware: Telegram will now hand over your data to authorities if asked is the article.

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