windows 11 october and november updates stop the system from updating.

Hi all.
While searching as I do for the latest news I find this one from tech republic.

Windows 11 Media Update Bug Stops Security Updates

The main issue is that issues happen with admins loading windows 10 october and november updates from cd or usb drive if installing win11.
The bug will cause the system to not be able to update online at all.
The fix is to reinstall windows.
Microsoft just says rerun the tool again and install windows and they will previde a fix later in january next year.
Since I have used ms support before I know that a reinstall doesn’t mean anything good.
For admins therefore its a good idea to just update your media drives.
I have not upgraded any systems yet and the one that will be upgraded will be done over the air as its got 10 on it so I won’t run into the issues.
However its good to have the latest media and the latest media doesn’t have this problem.
The latest version of the media is version l so get that.

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