There is no official date for the zone bbs closing, but it is now officially announced. Some months ago, it was rumored that the zone was closing on a thread on there. There was nothing official, and I was just curious on what was up.
On February 18, 2018: it was announced and a mass log in was announced for 9 eastern on that day. At the time I logged in, there was a total of 117 total users logged in. People are allowed to exchange contact info, and I’d say that you should do that with people you trust.
While I’ve dropped off the zone for awhile, and haven’t really participated for a number of years, I have enjoyed my time. It was an interesting ride, and I did get first on one of the week’s football pools and I had a lot of fun.
There have been people bashing, and people who are nice. One of the threads indicates a replacement site, but it seems to be on a forum site. While I respect people wanting to have a site that would be similar to the zone, I don’t think a forum site is the right solution.
Now-a-day, sites like face book and twitter have become more accessible, and of course linked in for those who are looking for jobs or connections.
My user number over on the zone is 769, so you can find information on contacting me there., and of course, this blog will continue to run and podcasts released.
To J.J. and the gang, it has been fun. Thanks for creating a very interesting site.