Why did Sonos put out shit for its latest app?


The question of why Sonos put out shit for its May app update is finally answered.

According to the article, they needed to redo the app to make their new headphones work.

The Ace headphones.

These headphones could not work on outdated code like the speakers a lot of us run which run on wifi.

So, the CEO said that they would put a ton of money in to fixing what was fundamentally an issue that comes with outdated software.

The headphones were in development since 2019, says the article. So why take so long to redesign the app? That’s what is not answered, and we may never know.

Sonos employees spoke to Bloomberg who is linked within the article titled Sonos workers shed light on why the app update went so horribly if you want to read more.

One thought on “Why did Sonos put out shit for its latest app?

  1. You know, we get angry when sonos does it but how many times during my term on here have I gone on at microsoft and their issues.
    How many systems that have been hosed to buggery because I a user did nothing bar keep them updated!
    I dread updating but still do.
    How many times have I had to fix things after their absolutely useless support pritty much ruined my day.
    How many, how many, how muther fucking many times have we let one of the biggest fucking corperate bastards let it go!
    The answer is probably because its the main one and we would stand to lose more than we gained but still if ms lost enough maybe they would actually listen to their users but who knows.
    Look at windows 11.
    So many issues have meant even geeks and techs I know won’t go to it.
    I will go to it eventually but not because its good, because I must but even then I am not happy.
    win10 does what I need and in some respects its still better.
    And lets not forget companies put buggy updates all the time, look at croudstrike.
    This morning ms put out an out of band office update.
    I have noticed a few issues when closing office but then who knows.
    I haven’t bothered trying to fix things.
    If it screws well I get round it.
    This is just another reason some people I know don’t update and even say updating is causing more issues than it solves and staying secure is more trouble than its worth and while I wouldn’t go that far I can see where they are coming from.
    A bunch of my apps on my shell updated, a bunch of other things updated.
    Of course one thing I’d like to know is why update x comes out but update y doesn’t on the same time the others do etc but there you go.
    Point is we as users shouldn’t have this but maybe we expect to much from the people we invest with.
    I don’t have sonos systems but I don’t know if I’d use them at least for a while

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