So … What has been some of our better write ups?

I’m not going to say that I am the best writer, but over this past year, I’ve written some of some very interesting diatribes through this past year.

The following is probably not going to be a complete list, but some that I can remember being used in discussions and great write ups.

As I said, there’s much more, but these could highlight some other searches. If you found something else we wrote about that sparked discussion, let me know. Let’s see what you think and find!

Next year, we’ll catalogue these as we go and have a complete rundown, but for now, this will have to do with some of my better write ups. Have fun!

One thought on “So … What has been some of our better write ups?

  1. Its interesting you should mention twitter.
    I still find it the easier to access.
    Then again due to my eye issues, and you guys will know what those are if you follow me on my blog are quite devastating while at full force.
    I don’t really have the need to push my social circle to mastodon right now and I may never do so.
    There are still enough posting on twitter that I don’t mind.
    Some podcasts I have still use it, though a lot of those are old users that will not be touched so there is that.
    Windows update still has a location on there, etc.
    But due to my various limitations my net use has changed.
    When I was a young man and started into the tech industry as a small time hacker, pirate and geek I was round 20 years old.
    Its 20 years on and I have limits.
    Some of those are mental.
    For example I have an old pool and should be using it especially since its going to be gone within the next 2 years due to its age.
    I have not the guts to go without my protective eyeware and chance an attack.
    In partticular since they have started again this summer and I really don’t care for it.
    The barriors are temperary but once they exist it can be a struggle to move it.
    I have managed to have enough movement to stay healthy and have a life but that does not extend that far.
    The routeen bores me to distraction of course but the moment I try to push an invisable force painfully pushes back.
    So maybe eventually if I can get total control or I decide that enough is enough and do something drastic thats not going to change any time soon.
    I’ve never been a waterbaby but I have to be so carefull, you get the idea.
    This along with other facttors has reduced my enjoyment of the net to some extent.
    I’ll do what I need to get buy and stay active but I am not the sit on ass guy no more.
    I have a family and a nefew now and I am trying to interact with the parents while they still live.
    There will be time enough for me to find a dark warm corner to die in after they jump dimentions and I plan to do so when the time is right.
    I don’t plan to end life stuck on a social network period though with the exception of whats app.
    In fact I want to end my life like I started to an extent.
    I started without the net and if I am able I’d like to end it away from it.
    As long as I can continue with what I have for the next 20-40 years I will be happy.
    Of course a lot of advances can change things so if you suddenly see me blogging from the bridge of my own starship you’ll know why that is.
    Till something happens I don’t want to make a fuss.
    I have had a chance to do that back in my 20s and 30s and have recordings to prove my earlier life.
    With the family having issues worse than me all interplanetry travel has been pritty much stopped and we only go local where we can.
    My plan is to pull back slowly to a point where I startt to shut down services I don’t want or need, and eventually that may mean everything else.
    I certainly have no plans to push myself further into the matrix than I already have unless I plan to quit reality all together which I may do.
    I still have some unfinnished life business in this world to handle first though.

    I do enjoy this blog and such though I only do work early morning or late at night after the lights are out.

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