Hello folks,
Starting this year, it came to me that we aught to do something different and collect the biggest diatribes of the month and compile it in to one large blog post as a year end post.
A diatribe is defined mainly as a rant, and we’ve got some great ones. Others may have been missed, so if something else caught your eye, please let me know!
Here are the biggest diatribes posted to the blog within the past year, separated by month in month order. Found something of interest? We want to know about it! (888) 405-7524 or (818) 527-4754 and let us know. Let us know if the comment should be aired. If you talk to me, I can easily record those comments if you wish.
Let’s start with January and if you go by heading, you’ll find the months.
- Breach forums maintainer gets time served, never spent time in jail, lots of restrictions placed on him
- 16.6 million people affected, no info on what was taken
- TA866 is back to sending out email
- New sets of data, including have I been pwned data out in the wild
- Three are three domains that I wouldn’t buy
- two emails claiming the same thing, identical in wording
- Lastpass to make account updates
- The worst of the worst, the worst breaches of 2023 from Tech Crunch
- Here’s more news on 23 and me that may not have been known before
- This seems contradictory, don’t use long passwords, use unique complex passwords
- What’s going on with the perils of password misuse?
- A sim-swapping ring targeted $400m in stolen funds
- Rhysida wants 3.4 million dollars after attacking childrens hospital
- You have to be kidding me, 1 year later and the DOD is sending out notifications?
- Avast caught collecting lots of info? Selling it to other companies?
- FlipperZero used to steal a car
- 3 million malware infected smart tooth brushes used in DDOS attack
- So … the tooth brush story seems to be a hoax
- What daily challenge on what platform could have sparked the AI generative Taylor Swift drama?
- Even the Best can be Scammed, check this article out
- data thieves target millions of job seekers
- Fake Lastpass app found in apple app store and Here’s an update on the Lastpass situation from this past week go together although both aren’t long, they’re good as a reminder of what could happen from time to time. It isn’t common.
- Tax filing season is here, beware of scams
- Lockbit, your time is up! Now its time to go find real work
- Reseda ransomware decrypted
- Yet another domain this network doesn’t own?
- Go IGI continues to call, pressures to get business, can’t understand “I can’t afford it!” as an answer
- Freenom exiting the domain space?
- Open AI, books, articles and more
- Have you heard of a web host that sells phishing kits and other things?
- How much do you think ransomware was up this past year?
- Bumblebee is back
- 18 hospitals in Romania hit by ransomware attack
- data thieves target millions of job seekers
- Tax filing season is here, beware of scams
- Mr. Cooper hasn’t seemed to learn anything, still vulnerable: here’s the update
- Savvy Seahorse uses facebook for investment scams
- 911 proxy is back, new name: cloud router: still dangerous
- French Unemployment agency breached for the second time
- Incognito Darknet Market ecxtorts its own users, claims there are tech issues
- Los Angeles Health county services data exposed
- Elon musk sues non-profit, loses, says nothing in article
- We found another article on the AT&T fiasco
- Airline applications might have more info than they need … what do you think?
- Changing default programs in windows without going through a GUI interface
- We found articles on the sanctions of proxy 911 folk and Proxy 911 just got sanctioned, Brian posted on Maston are related
- What Four applications have been recently uninstalled because of privacy concerns? Three are the articles title
- Are we surprised that TikTok will sue the U.S. Government?
- So … What’s going on with the vistamo guy and his sentence?
- Lockbit is still out there, sent through other network
- What’s going on with Ascension ?
- Pure Storage says: “We’re the next victim in the snowflake breach!”
- Live Nation confirms breach at Ticketmaster
- This is bad news, Kaspersky has been banned from being sold to US interests
- Lockbit lied: “We hit the federal reserve” they claimed
- Number of data breach victims up over 1,000 percent; this is not a typo!
- Why do we have traffic lights and their controlers online on the Internet?
- TikTok Mob attacks now? Time for TikTok to go
- Neiman Marcus is now the next victim in the snowflake fiasco!
- LockBit still at it, Infosys McCamish next on its list
- Here’s more information falling out of Evolve Bank’s fiasco
- Now its time to guess, who is next in the snowflake fiasco?
Cybernews reports: AT&T paid hackers to delete data
- Which major phone company is paying yet more money?
- TikTok faces off in court, faces three judge pannel
- Going to GitHub to complete a task? Not so fast!
- Email indicating that someone you know has died; tech support scam possible
- The topic we should not be talking about … what the hell is going on with our financial institutions?
- PSA warning about ways scammers and spammers use AI to defraud you
- More customer data pilfered because of a well-known company … AWS
- More customer data pilfered because of a well-known company … AWS
- The worst breaches of 2024 according to the EFF
We hope that you find these articles of interest, send email, imessages, texts or WhatsApp and comment on what you thought was good.